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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Court remands activist in prison

Human rights activist and President of Nigerian Renaissance Movement (NRM) Conrade Agba Justin Jalingo was Wednesday on arrival at Zone 2 Police Headquarters, Onikan, Lagos State, on invitation of the police, ordered into a waiting police Hilux van and was whisked to an Igbosere Magistrate Court, where he was subsequently slammed with a three-count Charge.
*Photo: AGBA JALINGO in Igbosere Court cell

Comrade Agba was charged along his apartment caretaker for alleged conspiracy, forcefully entering uncompleted building and holding possession of the uncompleted building, allegedly preventing one Mrs Comfort Eyitayo from using the premises.

He had earlier written a petition to the police alleging threat to his life and that of his household when one Mrs Comfort Eyitayo who is claiming ownership of the apartment where he reside invaded his residence at No 1, Keyinde Street, Ogudu, Lagos State, Nigeria with eight men in military uniform over a month ago.

Suspecting that the police has refused to properly investigate his allegation, he filed a suit at Ikeja High Court, urging the court to among other prayers, determine the ownership of the property since three different owners had claimed to own the uncompleted building where he lives.

following application for their bail by their counsels, the defendants were subsequently granted bail by Magistrate W. B. Balogun in the sum of N100, 000.00 and two sureties in like sum.

the matter was adjourned the August 2, 2011.

The Charge Sheet:

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