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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Buhari demands el-Rufai's release

The Presidential Candidate of the Congress for Progressive Change(CPC) and former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari, has demanded the immediate release of former FCT minister, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai who was detained by the State Security Service(SSS) Saturday morning.

* Nasir el-Rufai

El-Rufai was arrested at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport upon his arrival from London without being told of the reasons for his arrest and whisked to the SSS Headquarters.

Spokesman for General Muhammadu Buhari, Yinka Odumakin in a statement today said "Gen Buhari condemns this brazen act of intimidation, harassment and flagrant violation of citizens right in a democratic atmosphere. It only shows that there are more people in our country who know how to win by hook and crook than those who know how to make proper use of their 'victory'”, he said.

He added that hounding innocent citizens to detention in less than a month in office while failing to rise to the security challenges facing the nation shows a regime that does not understand what its priorities should be.

He therefore calls for the immediate release of El- Rufai from unjust incarceration by the SSS who can then proceed to prefer whatever charges they have against him in court if he has committed any offence known to the laws of the land. "But to keep him in gaol without any charges will only cast the administration in the mould of a vindictive regime that is launching a wave of political repression because it is jittery”, he concluded.

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