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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Court warns INEC on deregistration of parties

 Justice Okon Abang of a Federal High Court in Lagos Tuesday warned the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC) over an alleged plan to deregister some political parties, restraining the commission from carrying out the excise until the legality or otherwise of the move was determined by the court.

Justice Abang issued the order while ruling on an application by the National Conscience Party for an injunction restraining INEC from taking the step pending the determination of its suit challenging the agency’s powers to deregister parties.
Also joined in the suit as defendants are the National Assembly and the Attorney-General of the Federation.
At Tuesday’s hearing, only the National Assembly was represented by a lawyer, Abayomi Apata.
The judge, who refused to grant the injunction, said it was clear that the respondents had been served with the processes on July 6 and that it would require seven days for it to be ripe for hearing.
He warned that the court would nullify any action taken by INEC in contravention of the reliefs sought in the party’s motion.
He adjourned the suit till July 16 for hearing by a vacation judge due to the urgency attached to the matter.

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