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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Akintola Williams Deloitte celebrates Alumni again

Alumni Celebration:

L-R: Mr. Emmanuel Ikazoboh, Sir Ike Nwakolo, both retired partners of Akintola Williams Deloitte; and Mr. Adeniyi Obe, Office Managing Partner of Akintola Williams Deloitte, Lagos Office, at Deloitte Nigeria Alumni Celebration held recently at Metropolitan Club, Victoria Island, Lagos

Akintola Williams Deloitte recently held its 3rd Alumni dinner to celebrate past and present staff members and partners, at the prestigious Metropolitan Club, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

The Alumni celebration, which held Wednesday, October 26, brought together over a 100 Deloitte and ex-Deloitte CFOs, CEO, Managers, and self-employed professionals from the Consumer Business, Telecommunication, Technology, Financial Services, Energy & Resources and Public sector industries to enjoy a night of relaxation, camaraderie & friendship .

The Office Managing Partner of Akintola Williams Deloitte, Lagos Office, Mr. Adeniyi Obe, gave his opening remarks and recognised the presence of retired Akintola Williams Deloitte partners, some of which included Mr. Emmanuel Ikazoboh, Mr. Segun Odubogun and Sir Ike Nwokolo, as well as other past staff members and partners.

The evening was an opportunity for Deloitte Nigeria alumni: past and current staff and partners to get reconnected and share the latest news. Akintola Williams Deloitte, the Nigerian member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, did not fail to do what it does best, which is ‘share best practices.’

In line with the global organisation’s vision’ to be the standard of excellence,’ an insightful discuss on the International Financial Standards (IFRS): Conversion Considerations for Company’s board & project team was led by the IFRS Partner, Oduware Uwadiae. To reinforce the subject matter, IFRS e-learning CDs were distributed to all attendees .The guests were then served to a sumptuous buffet dinner.

During his closing speech, Mr. Adeniyi Obe acknowledged, “At Akintola Williams Deloitte, we are very proud of the accomplishments of our alumni and value their contributions to our industry, country, and the Deloitte family.

We hope to continue to have the Akintola Williams Deloitte Alumni celebration, year after year.” The Deloitte Nigeria Alumni network, through a sequence of exclusive alumni events, networking sites, like Facebook, and its internet site at www.deloitte.co/ng is aimed at strengthening local and global connections between current staff and partners, alumni and retired partners.

If you are a former Akintola Williams Deloitte employee or retired partner, and would like to register your details, please contact Clients & Markets at Akintola Williams Deloitte to join the alumni network or email your name and contact details to infonigeria@deloitte.com

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