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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Utomi decries Edo Reps aspirant's killing

Presidential Candidate of African Democratic congress (ADC) in 207 polls, Prof. Pat Utomi decried the killing of House of Representatives aspirant in Edo State, Oghogho Omorogbe just few days after declaring his intention to vie for the position.

Prof Pat Utomi

He said on his facebook page: “My heart goes out to the young House of Representatives aspirant from Edo state who was assassinated a week after he declared his intention to seek the seat. May the soul of Oghogho Omorogbe rest in peace. Amen.”

According to him, “His death however shows us how everything is connected to everything. When members of the National Assembly legislate huge allowances for themselves running into several millions every month they make their positions so lucrative, especially in a country where most of us live in poverty.

“These huge allowances causes desperation in people who covet the position as a means of amassing wealth and are therefore willing to do anything to get to that seat including eliminating real and imagined rivals.”

Prof. Utomi recalled that when Rev. Father Matthew Hassan Kukah said Monday in Abuja that politics in Nigeria resembles criminal activities, “we should know that it does not just start during election years.”

He disclosed that “It starts when we allow our politicians arrogate to themselves wages, salaries and allowances that even the most hardworking executive in the Private Sector can not earn.

“It starts when we allow politicians to remove known hindrances to their looting spree such as when they removed Nuhu Ribadu who they knew would not sit idly by and allow them package an immoral allowance for themselves in the guise of constituency projects.

“It starts when we sit down idly and refuse to vote and protect our votes thus allowing legislators to emerge who have now become notorious for fighting in their hallowed halls and at public occasions. This must end but how will it end? It is up to you and I”, Utomi noted.

“These legislators are known to you and I and they face reelection. If you allow them return to the National Assembly the only message you are passing is that you agree with all they have been doing in your name. It is up to you. 2011 beckons!”, he declared.

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